W3C HTML Java Validator (Local)
Validate your HTML against a local instance of W3C Markup Validation Service installed in your server as describes the following tutorial.
Install required packages.
apt-get install w3c-markup-validator mercurial subversion python default-jdk
Compile/install the HTML5 validator (not included in W3 validator).
mkdir /usr/share/html5-validator cd /usr/share/html5-validator
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
Clone the latest validator source.
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/validator/build build
Start the build (If you encounter a Java exception, run the build script again).
python build/build.py all
Configuring the w3c-validator to allow private networks in /etc/w3c/validator.conf
Allow Private IPs = yes
Enable the HTML5 validator by uncommenting the following.
<![CDATA[ <External> HTML5 = http://localhost:8888/html5/ </External> ]]>
Create the upstart script to start the HTML5 validator at boot.
vim /etc/init/html5-validator.conf
description "Validator.nu HTML5 Validator" start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up) stop on runlevel [016] chdir /usr/share/html5-validator exec python build/build.py --control-port=8889 run respawn
Save and start it.
start html5-validator
Afterwards you can access your validator via http://server/w3c-validator
and set the URI in your code.
public class My { public void main() { String xhtml = "<html><body><p>Hello, world!</p></body></html>"; URI instanceURL = new URI("http://server/w3c-validator/check") ValidationResponse response = new ValidatorBuilder().html(instanceURL).validate(xhtml); assert response.valid(); } }
Similar mechanism is available for HTML remote validation and CSS validation.
All events are logged through slf4j, using "com.jcabi.w3c"
logger. If you want to see them, just add proper binding to classpath, as explained in SLF4J manual.